100 years ago the famous Marten Toonder, creator of f.i. 'the Bommel-stories' was born. At 'the Letterkundig Museum' The Hague an exhibition about his life and works runs till the 31th of january 2013.
Marten Toonder was a man with 2 sides: artist and writer, loner and actor, realist and magician... I was asked to catch those characteristics in 6 illustrations on the most important themes of his life:
his childhood in Rotterdam, Toonderstudio's in WW2, his characteristic use of language, care for the environment, his Bommel-stories and his life in Ireland.
In every illustration I created an inside and outside world, which contain a kind of contrast.
The illustrations are printed on 100 x 70 cm's in the lenticular technique, which gives a magical effect, because details change when walking by.
If you like you can order the illustrations as Piezographies (that's not a Lenticular, but a beautiful Full Color print) , signed and numbered, on 70 x 50 cm's. The museum also published a booklet, in which the window of each illustration is cut out.
Interested in a piezography or the booklet? Please send me an email: erikdegraafcomics@gmail.com



Toonders' language

Care for the environment

the Bommel-stories


the Booklet