Sunday, June 7, 2009

Souvenirs Perdus

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I am very happy and proud to announce that the collection of my first 3 books, Verzamelde Herinneringen, will be translated in French by La Pasteque. La Pasteque is an independant Canadian Publisher from Québec. Québec is the French speaking part of Canada and La Pasteque publish f.i. the books of Michel Rabagliati and Pascal Blanchet in Québec, France and Belgium in the French language.
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The title of my book will be Souvenirs Perdus (sounds beautiful...) and will come out next year.
I will do some redesign and make a new cover for this edition. If you want to read the French announcement, please go to the La Pasteque site:
I will keep you informed!


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Last week I got an email from Erik de Graaf... From myself? No. 
I think everybody recognizes it, one day you discover that there is somebody with the same name as you have. My name is not so special in Holland, but it's really a coincidence if there lives somebody somewhere who isn't only named the same, but also is born in the same village.
So that email came from another Erik de Graaf, born in the same village as me, but now living somewhere else. He was confrontated with me when he read a review about my books in a newspaper, some years ago and he bought my books.
Now he's doing a series about namesakes on his own weblog and he has written a very kind piece about me. If you want to read it go to his blog:

Comic Intendant

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Since the 1st of May Holland has a real intendant for comics. Circumstances for Dutch artists are quite difficult nowadays: a small country, dropping book sales and not much possibilities to pre-publish. Comic artists Jean-Marc van Tol and Hanco Kolk have taken several initiatives to draw attention to these problems. One of the results is that the government has appointed a Comic Intendant.
His name is Gert Jan Pos. He's a journalist and translator who will try to improve the circumstances for Dutch Comics and Comic artists in the next years. He talks about some of his plans for the comicg years in the VPRO-gids of this week.
The interview is accompanied by an illustration of Peter van Dongen. And who do we recognize
in the gallery on the wall?