Cover Pentti Otsamo
In spring 2004 the Drawn and Quarterly Showcase #2 came out. The Showcase is an anthology presenting work of new, talented artists. Chris Oliveiros, founder of the famous publishing house, had written me end of 2003, he wanted to put in one of my stories. I was extremely surprised and honored! One of my stories in a worldwide published anthology! Chris had chosen Bout (translated as Game). He also asked me if I wanted to do the inside covers of the showcase. I made two special illustrations related to the story. The name of the main character, Muis, was translated into Whitey and the story was hand-lettered by Dirk Rehm, who has worked f.i. for Michel Rabligiati and Dupuy & Berberian. Dirk developed a special alphabet for my story! The Showcase is still available, although it's quite rare.
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